
Site Number : VICV3045-31-O

Location : Melbourne Airport (3045-31-O)

Suburb: Melbourne

Billboard Type : Digital

For further information, pricing and sitecard, please contact us on

phone: 03 9689 3548

Poster Size Billboard

Dimensions: 6 meters x 9 meters ( Image is indicative of billboard size, not actual billboard )

If you Would Like us to Contact you,
Please Fill out the Form below or
Click on our Chat Icon

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    Message :


    Why Use Discount Advertising

    • Find the best and most cost effective solution for your out of home advertising needs
    • We Negotiate prices on your behalf with the media
    • We don't charge you any fees, we rely on media commission
    • We are able to assist with design artwork. If you require, We also check that any artwork you provide meets the medias specifications.
    • We have access to unsold media inventory and we advise our clients when media is on sale.
    • What's the best media for my product I service? We can provide free advice & guidance on which type of media will fit your budget & obtain for you the best 'bang for your buck'!


    Site Number : VICV0042W-Adspot

    Location : Bourke St Mall

    Suburb: Melbourne

    Billboard Type : Digital

    For further information, pricing and sitecard, please contact us on

    phone: 03 9689 3548

    Poster Size Billboard

    Dimensions: 8.41 meters x 24.14 meters ( Image is indicative of billboard size, not actual billboard )

    If you Would Like us to Contact you,
    Please Fill out the Form below or
    Click on our Chat Icon

      Email :

      Phone :

      Message :


      Why Use Discount Advertising

      • Find the best and most cost effective solution for your out of home advertising needs
      • We Negotiate prices on your behalf with the media
      • We don't charge you any fees, we rely on media commission
      • We are able to assist with design artwork. If you require, We also check that any artwork you provide meets the medias specifications.
      • We have access to unsold media inventory and we advise our clients when media is on sale.
      • What's the best media for my product I service? We can provide free advice & guidance on which type of media will fit your budget & obtain for you the best 'bang for your buck'!


      Site Number : VICV3045-30-I

      Location : Melbourne Airport (3045-30-I)

      Suburb: Melbourne

      Billboard Type : Digital

      For further information, pricing and sitecard, please contact us on

      phone: 03 9689 3548

      Poster Size Billboard

      Dimensions: 6 meters x 9 meters ( Image is indicative of billboard size, not actual billboard )

      If you Would Like us to Contact you,
      Please Fill out the Form below or
      Click on our Chat Icon

        Email :

        Phone :

        Message :


        Why Use Discount Advertising

        • Find the best and most cost effective solution for your out of home advertising needs
        • We Negotiate prices on your behalf with the media
        • We don't charge you any fees, we rely on media commission
        • We are able to assist with design artwork. If you require, We also check that any artwork you provide meets the medias specifications.
        • We have access to unsold media inventory and we advise our clients when media is on sale.
        • What's the best media for my product I service? We can provide free advice & guidance on which type of media will fit your budget & obtain for you the best 'bang for your buck'!


        Site Number : VICV0003

        Location : Cnr Swanston & La Trobe Sts (Melbourne Central)

        Suburb: Melbourne

        Billboard Type : Static

        For further information, pricing and sitecard, please contact us on

        phone: 03 9689 3548

        Poster Size Billboard

        Dimensions: 31.87 meters x 4.75 meters ( Image is indicative of billboard size, not actual billboard )

        If you Would Like us to Contact you,
        Please Fill out the Form below or
        Click on our Chat Icon

          Email :

          Phone :

          Message :


          Why Use Discount Advertising

          • Find the best and most cost effective solution for your out of home advertising needs
          • We Negotiate prices on your behalf with the media
          • We don't charge you any fees, we rely on media commission
          • We are able to assist with design artwork. If you require, We also check that any artwork you provide meets the medias specifications.
          • We have access to unsold media inventory and we advise our clients when media is on sale.
          • What's the best media for my product I service? We can provide free advice & guidance on which type of media will fit your budget & obtain for you the best 'bang for your buck'!